Blue LED Moonlight

Holiday gift giving guide for the Aquarium Nerd who wants a new LED light fixture

Saltwater Aquarium Blog Guide to Holiday Gift Giving for Aquarium Nerds

Blue LED Moonlight
The blue LEDs do create a dramatic moonlight effect

Happy Holidays! Thanks for taking a moment to read this Guide to Holiday Gift Giving. If you’re receiving this guide, it must mean that a loved one or dear friend of yours wants you to know what’s on their wish list. You should know that your friend is an aquarium nerd and what would really light up their tree is a brand new LED light fixture.

I know what you might be thinking…

Doesn’t he (or she) already have lights for their aquarium? In fact, I’m sure of it.

Well, yes…but…

LED Lights are Cool

Let’s face it. You’re loved one likes being cool and LED lights are the coolest lights out there, both literally and figuratively. Switching from a traditional lighting source like metal halide to LED can cool things down in and around the tank AND impress their friends.

Most of the corals in your loved one’s tank get a significant portion of their nourishment from the lights mounted above the tank—and it’s important to have the right amount and the proper quality of light. The lights are one of the most important parts of the aquarium system.

LED Lights are Long-lasting and Completely Controllable

High Intensity LED light fixtures are one of the latest, greatest things to take the aquarium world by storm—because they are bright, extremely long lasting, energy efficient and can be dimmed/controlled by higher-end equipment.

LED Lights Can Actually Save You Some Money…No Kidding…

LED Lights and actually save money over time. I put together a calculator to help you see how much money you can save by switching to LED lights.

So please…put the nog in your loved one’s egg nog this year

The bottom line is…yes…they already have lights, but the lights are lame, energy guzzling and need to be replaced every 6-months to a year. Wouldn’t you rather buy them an energy efficient fixture that can last them several years and pay for itself in energy cost savings?

Avoid giving them a puzzled look or rolling your eyes at their request for yet another gadget for their tank and put an LED light fixture under the tree.

Check out the rest of articles in this series:







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